Uncovering User Value to Inform an Innovative Email Experience

A series of research for Google to inform and evaluate a speculative experience dedicated to users’ subscribed-to email content.

This case study will be added in mid-May. In the meantime, feel free to contact me to discuss my UX research experience in more detail.

Case Study Overview

This case study will showcase a two-pronged research approach, combining diary studies and in-depth interviews, to address both specific design questions and foundational user-value inquiries for a speculative experience for Gmail users subscribed-to mail (e.g., deals, product information, newsletters) email content.

The findings provided actionable insights that transformed speculation into data-driven priorities, serving as a critical reference for the product and engineering roadmap planning while enhancing the team's understanding of users' mental models and feature hierarchy. These insights guide the direction of future features and product enhancements, ensuring the research outcomes have a lasting impact on user engagement and satisfaction, despite initial project transitions.


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